
Should STARS teacher incentive contracts be scaled up through government systems, and if so, how?

Project overview

Supporting Teacher Achievement in Rwandan Schools (STARS) takes a holistic approach to measuring and rewarding teacher performance, an approach that factors in pupils’ learning outcomes.

Policies that can improve the pipeline of recruited teachers, motivate them on the job, and target retention at the best performers have strong potential to address many of the challenges faced by low-income countries and substantially improve learning outcomes.

This project aims to design, refine, and scale an approach to incorporate learning outcomes in teacher contracts as part of the STARS adaptive trial.

Child's hands hold pen and ruler. Photo by Tamarcus Brown, Unsplash.

Fast facts

Main project: Adaptive scaling of STARS teacher incentive contracts

Principal Investigators: Clare Leaver, Leo Mfura, Owen Ozier, Pieter Serneels, Andrew Zeitlin

Host and partner institutions: Georgetown University

Time period: 2023–2026

Co-funders: USAID Development Innovation Ventures and AFD Fund for Innovation in Development
