Evidence use

Creating a culture of evidence use in and around governments

Achieving the ultimate goal of foundational learning for all children relies on governments using evidence to formulate and implement reforms.

We will work closely with governments and other stakeholders to facilitate the uptake and use of evidence to transform policy and practice.

Long-term, we aim to support governments and other stakeholders to engage with and use evidence continually to inform policy and practice, learning from each other and generating and using their own evidence on the implementation of large-scale education reforms.

These aims will be achieved in various ways. These include ‘education labs’ inside or very close to government focused on evidence uptake, use, and generation. Other activities will include executive education with senior policymakers and practitioners, a micromaster’s programme, Fellows’ programmes, and a community of practice of leading implementors in the sector.

The three pillars of the What Works Hub for Global Education

Evidence translation

We are making the best existing evidence clear and available to governments and other implementers so they can use it effectively, through synthesising, curating and translating evidence on improving foundational learning.

Evidence use

We are supporting evidence generation and use by governments for policy design and implementation in a range of ways, including evidence labs embedded within governments, networks, and support for individuals and institutions to gather and use evidence​.

Implementation science

By working alongside governments as they put in place reforms, we will generate evidence about the ingredients of successful implementation. This effort will catalyse a new focus on implementation science within education, concurrently having real-world impact.
