Evidence translation

Helping policymakers, practitioners and funders know how to improve foundational learning

Improving children’s learning requires an understanding of what approaches have proven effective, why they are effective, and how they can be implemented successfully at scale. We will synthesise, translate, and curate evidence on these questions. We will develop innovative approaches that unite the best evidence on improving learning with knowledge from implementers themselves, including the lessons they have learned. 

The results will be accessible,  actionable insights that inform decision-making by policymakers, funders, researchers, and  practitioners. This will help them make evidence-informed decisions when designing and implementing policies, programmes, and research agendas. 

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The three pillars of the What Works Hub for Global Education

Evidence translation

We are making the best existing evidence clear and available to governments and other implementers so they can use it effectively, through synthesising, curating and translating evidence on improving foundational learning.

Evidence use

We are supporting evidence generation and use by governments for policy design and implementation in a range of ways, including evidence labs embedded within governments, networks, and support for individuals and institutions to gather and use evidence​.

Implementation science

By working alongside governments as they put in place reforms, we will generate evidence about the ingredients of successful implementation. This effort will catalyse a new focus on implementation science within education, concurrently having real-world impact.
